R.E.A.L. Community™

What would it mean to you to fulfill your dream of guiding and helping the collective on a deeper and greater scale?

Here’s my guess–indescribable. Because that’s exactly how it feels to be on your soul’s purpose!

I invite you to venture on a new path of self-discovery with me as a fellow out-of-the-box practitioner ready for a new energy modality that is easy and powerful to implement for clients.

 As a REAL Healing Methods© practitioner…
  • Help your clients to let in more love than ever before.
  • Guide them to the healing they seek
  • Empower them for R.E.A.L.™ (Release, Embrace, Align, Love) FREEDOM

The R.E.A.L HEALING METHODS© is a powerful and efficient modality for achieving rapid real-time results.

Through a deep focus to…

Soul & Heart Alignment

 Eliminate ingrained karmic patterns

Fulfilling your purpose 

Transform the shadow frequencies within the DNA

The tools and resources within the R.E.A.L. HEALING METHODS© Level 1 Certification program is designed to help your clients improve their:

  • Health (Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual)
  • Relationships
  • Confidence
  • Wealth 

You are on the frontier of a global movement where we all are called to raise our frequencies to bring about a brighter future. This is everything you need to guide your clients to access the REAL Healing system within themselves so they can transform their lives. 

Join me for my first ever Level 1 Certification course for R.E.A.L. HEALING METHODS©

*Limited availability for live access

This is HOW you embody the easiest and most powerful method to stay aligned, truly free, and fulfill your purpose.

Over 12 weeks, I am giving you everything you need to…

Know and understand the R.E.A.L. HEALING METHODS© for Level 1 Certification Program.

Use firsthand by going through all the steps with an in-depth experience of soul alignment using your authority as the practitioner and seeing results in real time.

Run your R.E.A.L. Healing MethodS© sessions with the highest intuitive insights and wisdom.

R.E.A.L. HEALING METHODS© for Level 1 Certification Program

Details about the offer

(12 Week Hands-on Program)


  • 10 Live Video Sessions with unlimited lifetime access to all replays 
  • 10 Live audio-recorded sessions for spiritual transmissions and activations.
  • Hands-on learning to get the most in-depth experience
  • Four digital templates to uncover and assist the client through deeper insights into their healing journey.
  • Three digital templates to 100% guarantee results along the client’s journey.
  • Learn different energy strategies and techniques to assist the clients on their healing journey better, whether in one or a series of sessions.
  • Know which tools to use for reliability and transformation, such as music and more! 
  • The completed R.E.A.L. Healing Methods© Level 1 Certification, which never expires! 
  • Access to the resource library, including all new materials added here and in the future. 
  • Ongoing monthly community Q&A support calls to answer any questions you may have. 
  • The full spectrum and knowledge of this healing modality to provide ultimate transformation to you, your clients, your friends, and your family! 

What would it mean to learn how to practice one of the easiest and most powerful 4-step energy healing modalities and create real-time results for your clients?

A TOTAL WIN, that’s what!

I have helped thousands of people over the last 25 years as a practitioner and witnessed my clients quickly transform into the people they had always strived to be. Little did they know, the power was within them all along. All I needed to do was guide them to unleash it. 

The world needs more shining beacons like you. This is your permission slip to glow brighter!

About Judy

Judy Jewett is the founder of the R.E.A.L. Healing Method©. She is a podcast TV host, author, Gene Keys Guide, and a transformation agent of the universe. She is known among the Masters as a Way-Shower who has incarnated to assist in the great shift.

 She successfully unlocked and activated her spiritual DNA using the Gene Keys, Human Design, and R.E.A.L. Healing Method©, resulting in a profound transformation.

 Her life mission is to guide and support conscious individuals in realizing their full potential by activating their spiritual DNA. Judy empathizes with those who find it challenging to let go of their past struggles and negative experiences. Living in a cycle of pain, hardship, self-doubt, and negativity can lead to constant suffering, insecurity, anxiety, anger, and feelings of inadequacy, even when one is on a spiritual path.

 Judy’s R.E.A.L. Healing Method© successfully assists conscious people in their journey toward higher consciousness by accessing and activating their genetic light codes at the deepest level of their souls, enabling an experience of a deep connection with their inner power, wisdom, and purpose for a fulfilling life. Open your heart to pure love, expanding trust and freedom. The question is, Are you ready for R.E.A.L. (Release, Embrace, Align, Love) change?

“I took one of Judy’s classes and an issue that I had been suffering with for a long time was cleared!  It was amazing and life changing.  It was also so quick and easy.  All I had to do was identify the issue and then Judy lovingly led a guided meditation to assist with the release of the block.  I am still l receiving positive and powerful improvements in my life from one class.  Judy’s intuitive guidance and support was spot on.   She is the real deal.  She is gentle and honest.   If I can receive something so powerful with one session, I can only imagine the healings that will take place with her a part of my self-care regimen.  My life is changed. Highly recommended.”

Crissy C. NC

I felt growing up that I had a rough childhood with trauma from all directions. I reached a time in my life that I needed and wanted to clear old anger and resentments.  I invested in a Breakthrough Session with Judy that was divided into two days of intense work. I was able to release and heal from ancestral trauma. I healed my relationship with my mother who moved in with me the last several months of her life. I was able to detach from the low vibrational emotional stuff with family members. I have a better relationship with my son. I am happier and more grounded by not becoming reactionary. I highly recommend a Breakthrough Session with Judy. In 8 hours I released and healed a lifetime of pain and misery.

Tracy, NC

My family suffered a devastating loss six and a half years ago. My husband and daughters’ dad died suddenly and unexpectedly causing us all much upheaval and grief. For the last six-plus years we could not get back to happiness and the organic unity of our family even after five years of traditional counseling which included the first two years of intensive counseling for us all. Our family was still feeling a disconnect.  Something was missing until I met Judy Hansen. I had heard about Judy’s unique gifts/skills from a friend who had also experienced in a brief amount of time a remarkable transformation. My friend’s experience propelled the investment of each of us having a Breakthrough Session with Judy. Our Breakthrough Sessions were each four-six hour long. Within hours we got our family unity back and felt so much lighter and loving.  After our time with Judy, we all are more focused, heart-centered, calm, and loving towards each other and more loving towards people I meet.  What set Judy apart from anything that we had tried in the past was her ability to hit on the emotional level and once and for all heal. Our lives and relationships have changed. I highly recommend her services. 


Even if you’re on the fence and have doubts, it’s okay. That just means you are on the precipice of something BIG. I invite you to jump on a call with me to discuss your questions further.

R.E.A.L. HEALING METHODS© for Level 1 Certification Program

The curriculum is as follows:

(12 Week Program)


Class 1

R.E.A.L. Healing Methods© Core Principles

    • The foundational 4-step process at the core of the R.E.A.L Healing Methods© and how it works.
    • How the soul structure works with the multiple dimensions of energy by understanding frequency.
    • Find out how ancestral and Akashic records fit into all of this.

Class  2

Diving Deeper into the R.E.A.L. Healing Methods©’s 4-Step System

Learn how to retrieve soul-level information in 4 easy and simple steps to access the information needed to help each client.

  • Receive an attunement to allow for the highest purest energy.
  • Learn how to establish the accuracy for each person to release any blocks.
  • Plenty of opportunities exist to practice the R.E.A.L. Healing Methods© and get into action.

Class 3 

Building the Blueprint

Dive deeper into the various energetic qualities that make up our Divine Blueprint and are essential to our ability to manifest abundant human experience. 

  • Learn about the core emotions/beliefs that most people experience.
  • Find out how to unlock a client’s blocked energy.
  • Get the recipe for generating wealth and success beyond your greatest dreams. 

Class 4

Gather Your Spirit Team

Continue to go through the depth of your impact by understanding how the collective consciousness relates to the ancestral healing of our ancestors.

  • Get a clear understanding of your family’s genetic coding and how it affects you and your clients.
  • Learn what karmic energy is and how to release any negativity associated with it quickly. 
  • Apply your lessons to the R.E.A.L. Healing Methods© as you continue your practice.

Class 5

Finding the Music Within

Putting the right structures in place for your sessions will not only create an environment where your clients can experience accelerated healing, but you will be able to protect your time and energy as a business owner. 

  • Find out how to choose music for your clients for better and faster results.
  • Learn what to do when there is no music available.
  • Get the magical formula to condense your sessions from 60 minutes to as short as 30 minutes! 
  • More practice with the R.E.A.L. Healing Method©

Class 6

Your Highest and Most Aligned Self

Learn how to raise your frequencies and highest vibrational qualities to work with your clients and for your benefit. 

  • How to strengthen your intuition and how to know if the information you are getting is correct
  • The history of victim consciousness and how that can impact us on the DNA level.
  • Receive more opportunities to practice the R.E.A.L. Healing Methods©

Class 7

Accessing the Inner Planes 

Get ready to dive deep into our subconscious and inner world within this module!

  • Clear energy blocks
  • Properly identify and address patterns and imprints that are at the root of fear and self-sabotage
  • Heal your and your client’s DNA and genetic coding

Class 8

Piecing Everything Together

Go deeper into accessing the core cellular pain behind your clients’ energy blocks by learning how to use your voice as a healing tool. 

  • The most common issues your clients may experience and how to best guide them.
  • What to do if you aren’t able to get to the core issue
  • How to communicate effectively to your clients to get to the root of the issue in a way that strikes a chord. 
  • The best way to end a session

Class 9

Eliminate Foreign Energies

Discover the secrets to releasing your clients from harmful energies!

  • What to do if you suspect attached energy: curses, hooks, implants
  • Two ways to clear negative energy for your clients for these special cases
  • Practice with energy-clearing tools.

Class 10

Become an Official R.E.A.L. Healing Methods©

Congratulations! You’ve completed this course and are ready to step out into the world to help the collective consciousness. 

To wrap up your certification, you will:

  • Show proficiency by engaging in each step of the R.E.A.L. Healing Methods©
  • Learn how to access the energy blocks in a discovery call
  • Demonstrate what you’ve learned by having a session with a live volunteer.
  • Receive a special Q+A session to answer all of your questions.

By completing this program, you start your new chapter as a R.E.A.L. Healing Methods© practitioner, ready to take your clients from surviving to thriving. 

Due to the transformational nature of this course, all refund requests must be made within FIVE DAYS of purchase. After you purchase, you will immediately be given access to the curriculum.

Any decision you make for non-participation after the refund period expires will not be a valid reason for a refund request. Please note that the payment plan is NOT a monthly subscription, and you will remain responsible for all outstanding payments once the refund period has expired.

Email me at support@judyjewett.com if you have additional questions.